Thursday, 18 April 2013

Drawn Animation Evaluation

Drawn animation is one, if not the most popular type of animation especially in the early days. The main reason for this is that is fairly cheap in comparison to claymation for instance as you only need some pens and paper, and you don’t need an expensive set because you can just draw it. Also it can be about anything you can think and the laws of physics don’t apply so you can make things happen that you couldn’t with other types of animation.
 It does however have some draw backs as well like being extremely time consuming especially if it very detailed because each frame has to be drawn separately, and so you could end up using thousands of pieces of paper if you want to make a long animation. The process of animating can be very tedious too as you have to make sure each frame lines up with the last and have to be careful not to nudge it out of place, even more so is you are dealing with little cut out pieces. It would probably be best to colour it in on the computer so that all the colours and shades remain the same not like when you colour by hand especially with pens and the shading is different every time; with this you also run more risk of leaving small areas uncoloured.

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